The Tai Chi Classics: A New English Translation

The Tai Chi Classics are a collection of prose poems that inspired, and were inspired by, the art of Tai Chi Chuan. These writings express the ontology, principles, and results of idealized practice.

The Classics are written in an arcane and lyrical format. Rendering an accurate interpretation demands an understanding of history and language, the surrounding culture, and most importantly, deep knowledge of the technical discipline itself.

English-language presentations of the Tai Chi Classics are typically eisegetic. All translation is interpretation; however, Tai Chi translators have taken excessive liberty in clarifying, improving, editing and correcting the original text. Filling in apparent narrative gaps with their own biases, preferences, and presuppositions. Redefining Taijiquan in their own images, for better and for worse.

These distortions — to advance modern ideological and commercial interests — are a grave threat to the continued existence of the original art.

Here we provide both a version of the original 19th-century Chinese writings; and an unembellished, mechanical translation. This approach allows you to scrutinize our interpretation, if you wish; and to uncover additional context via online dictionaries and other Internet resources.

List of Classics

See also:

Tai Chi Chuan Theory
Tàijíquán Lùn 《太极拳论》

Attributed to Wáng Zōngyuè (王宗岳) by Li Yiyu (李亦畬)

太极者, 无极而生,
Taiji, born from Wuji,

Mother of Yin and Yang.

In movement, they diverge. In stillness, they merge.

Not too much or too little. Follow the curve, extend the movement.

Others are strong, I am soft. This is movement. I follow behind them. This is sticking.

动急则急应。动缓则缓随。虽变化万端, 而理唯一贯。
When there is a rush, I quickly respond. When they move slowly, I slowly follow. Through ten thousand changes, this one reason persists.

由著熟而渐悟懂劤。由懂劤而阶及神明。然非用力之久, 不能豁然贯通焉。
Gradually become familiar and understand it. Thereby reach the level of spiritual illumination. If you don’t use force for a long time, you will not comprehend it.

Xu ling ding jin. Qi kept down in dantian.

No slant, no lean. Suddenly concealed, suddenly revealed.

When the left is weighted, the left is emptied. When the right is weighted, the right is quiet. Look up, it is higher. Look down, it is deeper. Advance, it is further. Retreat, it is faster.

One feather cannot be added. A fly cannot alight. People do not know me. I alone know them.

The hero encounters no match. All are covered.

There are many tricky methods. They have their relevance. Generally, nothing more than strong bullying weak. Slow losing to fast.

有力打无力, 手慢让手快, 是皆先天自然之能。非闗学力而有也。
Those having strength beating those without; slow hands conceding to fast hands; this is natural ability. Not the result of study.

Look at “Four ounces deflects one thousand pounds.” Obviously not a victory through strength. Observe an old man resisting a crowd. How can it be due to speed?

Stand like a steelyard; move like a wheel. Favor one side, you can follow. Double heavy, you are sluggish.

After years of hard work, one cannot move, and is controlled by another. The disease of “double heavy” is not yet understood.

You want to avoid this disease. Must know yin and yang. Stick and move. Move and stick. Yang does not separate from yin. Yin does not depart from yang. Yin and yang mutually support. This is the way to understand jin.

After understanding jin, more practice, more skill. Study quietly. Gradually, follow your heart. This is to abandon oneself and follow others.

Many people give up the near to seek the far. This is called “missed by a hair, wrong by a thousand miles.” Learners must study in detail. This is the theory.

Ten Essential Points

Taught by Yáng Chéngfǔ (杨澄甫) and written by Chén Wēimíng (陈微明).

一。 虚灵顶劲
Yī. Xū líng dǐng jìn
1. Xu ling ding jin.

二。 含胸拔背
Èr. Hánxiōng bá bèi
2. Contain the chest, expand the back.

三。 松腰
Sān. Sōng yāo
3. Song the waist.

四。 分虚实
Sì. Fēn xūshí
4. Distinguish empty and full.

五。 沉肩坠肘
Wǔ. Chén jiān zhuì zhǒu
5. Drop shoulders and elbows.

六。 用意不用力
Liù. Yòngyì bùyòng lì
6. Use Yi, not Li.

Qī. Shàngxià xiāng suí
7. Upper and lower follow each other.

八。 内外相合
Bā. Nèiwài xiànghé
8. Internal and external harmonize.

九。 相连不断
Jiǔ. Xiānglián bùduàn
9. Continuous without breaks or gaps.

十。 动中求静
Shí. Dòng zhōng qiú jìng
10. Seek stillness in motion.

On Fighting
Dǎshǒu gē 《打手歌》

Attributed to Wáng Zōngyuè (王宗岳)

掤捋挤按须认真, 上下相随人难进。
Péng lǚ jǐ àn xū rènzhēn, shàngxià xiāng suí rén nán jìn.
Wardoff, rollback, press, and push must be practiced seriously; follow the opponent up and down, they cannot enter.

任他巨力来打我, 牵动四两拨千斤。
Rèn tā jù lì lái dǎ wǒ, qiāndòng sìliǎngbōqiānjīn.
Let them attack with great strength, use four ounces to deflect one thousand pounds.

引进落空合即出, 沾连粘随不丢顶。
Yǐnjìn luòkōng hé jí chū, zhān lián zhān suí bù diū dǐng.
Draw them into emptiness, join and issue; stick and follow without error.

Taijiquan Theory 《太极拳论》

Attributed to Zhāng Sānfēng (张三丰) by Chén Yánlín (陈炎林)

One move, whole body must be ling and light, all the way through.

Qi should be roused. Shen should be gathered in.

No defects anywhere. No bumps or dents. No breaks in continuity.

Its root is in the foot. Issued in the leg. Controlled in the waist. Shaped in the fingers.

Foot, leg and waist. All must be integrated [as] one qi.

Advance and retreat. Thereby seize the opportunity. When the body is disordered, look for the problem in the waist and legs.

Up and down, forward and backward, left and right. All are yi. Not on the surface.

Where there is up, there is down. When there is a front, there is a back. If there is a left, there is a right. Accordingly, there is an underlying meaning…

The meaning is, to lift something is to frustrate it. Given that its roots are thereby broken. It will be ruined quickly and without a doubt.

One should clearly distinguish empty and solid. Every place has both.

The whole body is intertwined, without the slightest gap.

The Changquan boxer: like the Yangtze River, the great ocean. Flowing without end.

Peng, Lu, Ji, An, Cai, Lie, Zhou, Kao. The Eight Trigrams.

Forward, backward, left, right, center. The Five Elements.

Peng, Lu, Ji, An. South, north, west, east [in pre-Heaven Bagua sequence]. Four square directions.

Cai, Lie, Zhou, Kao. Southwest, northeast, southeast, northwest. Four oblique angles.

Advance, retreat, left, right, center. Metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

Together, they are the thirteen powers.

The footnote says, “This is the teaching of ancestor Zhang Sanfeng from Wudang Mountain. Wanted long life for heroes of the world; not merely [technical] skills!

Taijiquan Explained 《太极拳解》

Attributed to Wu Yuxiang

Though the body moves, the xin is calm. The qi should be restrained, shen should be relaxed.

Xin is the command, qi is the flag, waist is the banner, shen is the commander, body is the driving force.

Pay attention, only then you can gain something. First in the xin, then in the body.

Within the body, without “knowing,” you place your hands and move your feet.

所谓 “一气呵成”、“舍己从人”、“引进落空”、“四两拨千斤” 也。
It is called “a win in one qi,” “abandon one’s plans to follow another,” “lead into emptiness,” “four taels moves a thousand catties.”

Note: In movement, nothing is not moving; in stillness, nothing is not still. See movement in stillness, see stillness in movement.

Inside, strengthen the jingshen. Outside, show comfort.

Must follow others, not yourself. If you follow others you will live. By yourself, you will stagnate.

A person who values qi has no li; a person who supports their qi has pure strength.

Other doesn’t move, I don’t move; other makes the smallest move, I move early.

To follow others, you must know yourself; so that you can adapt and join. To stick with others, you must know others, so that you will never be early or late.

When the jingshen is capable, there is no worry of being heavy or tardy. Sticking follows with ling. The mere appearance [of ling] is a clever failure.

The back-and-forth must distinguish yin and yang. Advance and retreat must be fitted together.

Opportunity is created by oneself. Force is borrowed from others.

Fajin must join the whole posture, one invincible approach. Posture must be correct and without slant, supported on eight sides.

Still as a mountain, moving like a river.

Step forward like facing an abyss. Transport jin like drawing silk thread. Store jin like stretching a bow. Fa jin like releasing an arrow.

Qi moves like [through a] nine-curved pearl, no section is missed. Jin moves like tempered steel, indestructible.

The xing is like a falcon chasing a rabbit, the shen is like a cat catching a mouse. Seek straightness in the curve. Store and then release.

Li emerges from the spine. Footwork accords with the changing body.

Gathering is immediately discharging, [they are] connected without break.

Extremely soft; then can be extremely strong. Can stick, then can be agile.

With straightness you support the qi; no harm. Through bending you store jin; gain a surplus.

Gradually, things should conform, and you will know how to achieve.

Tai Chi Theory Explained

Attributed to Wu Yuxiang (武禹襄) by Li Yiyu (李亦畲)

First in the xin, then in the body.

Song the abdomen, gather qi to enter the bones, relax the shen and quiet the body, cherish the xin.

切记: 一动无有不动,一静无有不静。
Must keep in mind: [in] a move [there is] nothing not moving, [in] stillness [there is] nothing not quiet.

See stillness in movement, see movement in stillness. Moving back and forth, stick qi to the back, gather it in the spine. Be quiet.

Inside, strong jingshen; outside, show ease.

Step like a cat, move jin like drawing silk.

Whole body intention [is to] store shen, not on qi. On qi then stagnant.

Someone with qi has no force. Someone [with] no qi has genuine strength.

Qi is like a cartwheel, waist is like an axle.

Other doesn’t move, I don’t move. Other smallest move, I move early, like song but not song, ready to extend but not extended, signifying broken jin yet not broken.

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